Rusetskaya N.Y. 1
Dimidov D.P. 1
Sarattsev A.V. 2
Goroshinskaya I.A. 3
Borodulin V.B. 1
1 Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky
2 First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I. M. Sechenov
3 Rostov Research Oncological Institute
The action of selenorganic compound diacetophenonylselenid (DAPS) and its chloro- and fluor-derivatives on the clinical strains of Escherichia coli, selected from patients with purulent complications of a travmatologo-orthopedic hospital was studied. Compound DAPS had antimicrobic effect only in the maximum concentration 1 mg/ml at incubation 60-150 minutes. Chlorine- containing derivative of compound DAPS had considerable antibacterial effect on clinical strains of Escherichia coli in high concentration 0.1 and 1 mg/ml and at time of incubation from 30 to 150 minutes. The maximum of antimicrobial action rendered fluor-containing derivative of compound DAPS, which in all concentration (0.001 - 1 mg/ml) and at incubation time from 30 to 150 minutes suppressed the growth of E. coli colonies on 41 % - 99 % in comparison with the control. Halogen-containing selenorganic compounds are low-molecular waterproof compounds, which, possibly, can easily get through lipopolysaccharide layer of an external membrane of gram-negative bacteria and have antimicrobial effect for prooxidant properties of fluorine and chlorine atoms.