Tolkach O.V. 1
1 Botanical garden Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science
Influence defoliation by gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L). On change in annual radial growth a birch (Betula sp.) is considered in connection with weather conditions of a vegetative season in one year defoliation and ground fires. It is established, that scattered vascular species a difficult enough object for reconstruction offlashes of outbreaks of a gypsy moth especially in case dUBose defoliation. On a background of different weather conditions the size of a annual radial growth of defoliated and nondefoliated trees has different proportion and its possible to establish the fact of defoliation probably only by the account of weather conditions of the researched period. Having the actual data about dynamics of an annual radial growth it is possible to project on a site with unknown history in relation to defoliation, but subject to same conditions of growth and characteristics of forest stands. Use of characteristics of the form of a curve of an excess and asymmetry in conditions of northern forest-steppe in birch forest stands has not allowed to reveal the regularity of distribution of frequencies of a radial growth in groups defoliated and nondefoliated trees. By the principal component analysis we found out that the defoliation and the fire factors can provoke an additional dispersion of a annual radial growth up to 30-40%.