Yakovenko N.V. 1
Markov D.S. 1
Molodtseva A.V. 1
Turkina E.P. 1
1 Shuysky branch of the Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education «Ivanovo State University»
This work is devoted to an assessment of influence of environment factors on an incidence of the population of the Ivanovo region. It is shown that change of environment factors involves change of physical and mental health of the population.The assessment of quality of atmospheric air is carried out. The air pollution index (API) is calculated. The characteristic of polluting substances is given and the most priority are revealed for the region. On the basis of the analysis and an assessment of medico-demographic indicators, to incidence (the general and primary) various groups of the population showed dependence of health of the population on pollution of atmospheric air for different age categories of the population. It is proved that the regional center Ivanovo has «high extent of pollution» atmospheric air. With use of the geographical information system (GIS) cards (in a section of administrative regions) on an index of pollution of atmospheric air and incidence of the population for a long period of time are created.