Dumacheva E.V. 1
Cherniavskih V.I. 1
1 Belgorod State University
The aim was to study the spatial structure and age spectrum cenopopulations Medicago L. in gullies and gully complexes south of the Central Russian Upland. Landscape-climatic conditions ecotops gullies and gully complexes with chalky outcrops form the conditions for the introduction of new commensally species, such as species of the genus Medicago. Most identified in these conditions cenopopulations alfalfa are have continual (continuous) nature of the distribution of individuals by age groups, indicating that the resistance occurring in their adaptation microevolution changes. Identified adaptation processes in local cenopopulations alfalfa aimed at preserving animals with morphological, biochemical and other properties similar to those possessed by calciphilic endemic vegetation. Is the formation of a certain cenopopulations “carbonate” ecotype, close to cultural forms in a number of morphological characters, while having a pronounced type of competitive stress-tolerant adaptive strategy. In this regard, the observed adaptive microevolution processes in phytocenoses on calcareous soils allow us to consider the Cretaceous South Central Russian Upland as a secondary anthropogenic mikrogensenter shaping M. varia. From a practical point of view is possible effective selection of individuals legumes for creation of highly competitive and environmentally sustainable cenopopulations on calcareous soils.