Katuntsev V.P. 1
Shamardin A.I. 2
Medvedev D.V. 2
1 FSBI “Federal scientific and clinical center of medical aid specialized kinds and medical technologies FMBA of Russia”
2 FSBEI HPE “The Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education”
It has been stated the functional effectiveness level of football players with different degree readiness in rest conditions and by performing physical activity of standard and ultimate capacity. It has been determined that the growth of functional and special technical readiness of athletes has resulted in the appropriate increase of effectiveness level and functioning of body physiological system. It appears as in muscle rest conditions as by performing physical activity of different capacity. In rest conditions it shows up in the frequency value decrease and the increase of vegetative functions volume indicator and their ratio optimization. By standard physical activity less trained athletes show more evident functional reactions. As the athletes’ qualification raises, functional improvements are considerably minimizing. Physical activity performance of maximum capacity with athletes’ readiness growth is provided thanks to the progressive increase of the effectiveness parameters and efficient functioning of body physiological system.