Koltunov E.V. 1
Hamidullina M.I. 1
1 Botanical Garden UD RAS
Chromatographic analysis of phenolic compounds from birch leaves from the gypsy moth outbreaks and their boundaries identified 51-54 compounds. There is significant domination of fractions with significant reduction in the content of compounds in peak (67.5%) in samples from outbreaks with maximum defoliation compared with the control. Increase of phenolic compounds found in only 10% of the peaks. Neutral reaction was observed in 22.5%. In the samples from outbreak: (Pokrovskoe 2) is also observed predominance fractions the content of phenolic compounds which decreases as compared with the control (58.7 %). 7% of the neutral reaction is observed, at 34.3 % of their contents increases. Comparative analysis identified phenolic compounds showed that amount of compounds that reduce and increased content of compounds was the same. Reduction of phenolic compounds in the leaves of birch in outbreaks in contrast to the trends in birch outside the outbreaks (high entomoresistance) we associate with exposure with abiotic stress (drought) in june- august 2013 and the appreciable differences in the level of response to abiotic stress between lowresistant birch (from outbreaks) and highly resistant (outside of outbreaks). Obviously, mechanism of action is not confined to drought inhibition of phenolic compounds synthesis with antifeedant effect. Abiotic stress has an integrated impact is due to more favorable temperature for the insects ontogenesis and - improving of feed substrate quality