Korelskaya I.E. 1
Beletzkaya E.V. 1
1 Northern (Arctic) Federal university
The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern society - a violation of locomotor system. Timely initiation of corrective work leads to the fact that a violation of locomotor system and is not progressing scoliosis I-II degrees. Research was conducted for two years in a sanatorium boarding school. To solve the problems of research following methods were used: anthropometric research; dynamometry; centile the method; motor testing, the power index V.A. Shapovalova, static coordination. In the course of determining the physical the development of children with scoliosis I - II degree in the circumpolar region. The level of development of motor qualities of children of primary school age. During the physical rehabilitation is observed positive development of physical qualities such as the strength, coordination, agility in boys and girls aged 9-11 years.