Kostin M.V. 1
Demin A.V. 1
Sadchikov A.V. 1
1 Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education “Orenburg State University”
The main methods of cleaning tanks from oil and oil residues. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the discussed methods. A new biotechnology tank cleaning, which as a biological product-oil destructors involves the use of effluent - the product of anaerobic digestion of organic waste in biogas plants. The effluent is less than other biologics-oil destructors cost, non-toxic and environmentally safe. Using the proposed biotechnology possible in various industries: toplivoenergeticheskom, neftegazopromyshlennom complexes neftetransportiruyuschih and refining campaigns, coke and metallurgical industries, transport companies and other organizations involved in storage and sale of petroleum products to the oil depots, petrol stations and terminals.