Lopatovskaya O.G. 1
Seredkina A.A. 1
Belkova N.L. 1, 2
Khadeeva E.R. 3
1 Irkutsk State University
2 Limnological Institute SB RAS
3 V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS
Regosol is intrazonal soil in Eastern Siberia. Regosol in the steppes of Olkhon region is formed on the surface of Tagotskij hydrolaccolith when affected by the cryogenic factors, aeolians, and groundwater and/or lake water. These soils are characterized as saline, carbonated, saturated exchangeable bases, and enriched with organic matter. Heterotrophic microorganisms were isolated from different depths along the profile of the hydrolaccolith. Their physiological and biochemical properties were studied. It was shown that all strains are able to utilize a wide range of sugars, alcohols and produce extracellular enzymes: catalase, lecithinase, amylase, and protease. The presence of multiple enzymatic activity by the analyzed strains suggests their high metabolic potential.