Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Biological science
ISSN 2500-3399
ПИ №ФС77-57454


Polokhin O.V. 1 Sibirina L.A. 1
1 Institute of Biology and Soil Sciences
The results of the study of volcanic soils and vegetation of the central part of the island of Iturup were presented. Iturup – the largest island of the Kuril Islands and belongs to the South Kuril Islands. Four user platforms were laid – two on the terrace with sea grass-meadow vegetation and two on the bottom of the coastal slope Cape Canning under Erman and oak with bamboo forest. Vegetation description given. The structure of profiles and the morphological characteristics of soils were shown. The terrace on the sea developed sod-meadow soils, and on the coastal slope – burozems raw-organic humus ocherous. Feature exposed soil profiles is the lack of clear-cut ash horizons. Each plant has a specific association type soils was found. Under the stone birch is an intensive accumulation of humus at a lower pH than in soils under grass-meadow vegetation.