Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Biological science
ISSN 2500-3399
ПИ №ФС77-57454


Sakbaeva Z.I. 1
1 Jalalabad State University
The article presents the results of a study of the main types of soil fertility Basin of Kok-Art and changing them by the influence of anthropogenic factors. Factors of soil formation and environmental conditions greatly affect the accumulation, especially the formation of organic residues and humus composition. Decisive role in this have vegetation and corresponding of soil microflora. These factors of soil formation vary significantly influenced by human activity. Humus sierozems concentrated in the upper layer with a sharp drop him down through the soil profile. In the arable layer of sierozem soils irrigated concentrated 1, 25 % of humus, and in the subsurface - 0.78 %. Soil in agriculture is heavily used by more than one century, and it left a definite mark on the course of the soil-forming process. Because of the rich plant community, mountain-forest dark-brown soil walnut-fruit forests differ from serozems high humus content. Topsoil contains 8.30 and 11.33% humus. However, the brown soils of rainfed arable land, located on a steep northeastern slopes and used as summer pastures, inferior in terms of fertility similarly treated soils. They are in the top 0-3 cm soil layer containing 1.30% of humus in the pasture, 1.20 % of humus on rainfed arable land, their content in the lower soil layer are greatly reduced, respectively, 0.70 and 0.20%. That means that the loss of topsoil, a thin layer of soil for these soils has catastrophic consequences. Therefore, these soils should be protected from erosion.