Sakbaeva Z.I. 1
1 Jalalabad State University
The article presents the results of the study of the effect of the enzymatic activity of phosphatases in the ecological status of sierozem soils. Phosphatase activity of the soil is determined by its genetic characteristics, physical and chemical properties and the level of farming. Irrigated arable horizon typical sierozems contains 166,4 mg of p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1 alkaline phosphatase, 107,5, mg of p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1 phosphodiesterase and 63,4 mg of p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1 acid phosphatase. And their numbers are greatly reduced in the subsurface soil layer, which is directly correlated with the humus content of the soil. When comparing the phosphohidrolase activity of irrigated land sierozems and foothill pastures dark sierozem desert soils can be stated minimum phosphohidrolase activity of soils irrigated arable sierozems. It can be seen that dark sierozem soils contain from 1,3 to 176,2 mg of p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1 acid phosphatase, from 9,6 to 594,3 mg of p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1 soil alkaline phosphatase, from 5,3 to 303,6 mg p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1 phosphodiesterase. Increased content of enzymes in the upper levels of dark sierozem soils. This is due to the high abundance of soil microorganisms and organic matter in the surface layers of dark sierozem desert soils. The sharp decline in the activity of enzymes phosphatase irrigated arable land compared to virgin dark sierozem soils shows the degradation of soil fertility of cultivated soils.