Umriukhin P.E. 1, 2
Grigorchuk O.S. 1, 2
1 Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
2 P.K.Anokhin institute of normal physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Rats characterized with high, low and average resistance to emotional stress (ES) were found to have different concentrations and total amounts of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of brain ventricles. Among resistant animals prevailed rats with high cfDNA level in CSF, predisposed and ambivalent - were characterized with low cfDNA concentration. During ES in resistant and predisposed to ES rats different changes of liquor aliquots volumes and cfDNA level were observed. Some of these effects may be interpreted as mechanisms preventing liquor cfDNA concentration fluctuations. Results of the present study open the perspectives of liquor cfDNA investigation in correlation with emotionality and ES resistance. Also, we hope that cfDNA circulating in different biological fluids may serve as indicator of animals resistance to emotional stress.