Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Biological science
ISSN 2500-3399
ПИ №ФС77-57454


Shalpykov K.T. 1
1 Innovative Center of Phytotechnology National Academic of Science Kyrgyz Republic
Carried out a study on the underground structure of the root systems of the most common types of halophytes Western Issyk-Kul region.Sympegmaregelii - within the ecological profile of the desert stationary is dominant . In dry years in S. regelii perennial dry shoots prevail over an one- year old. In such years, as a 1990, 1996, 2012 generative shoots form a very small and bloom observed only in separate instances. In the most drought-affected juvenile and senile individuals. Structural-morphological features of the root system S. regelii underline that it belongs to the species ombrophytes. Reaumuriasongarica- typical plants of saline habitats. In dry years, Reaumuria as opposed to S. regelii formed generative shoots, especially middle-aged individuals. The height of overground part of 15-20 cm. crown diameter of 20-25 cm. crown diameter at the neck of 1.5-2.0 cm. The main root usually goes to a depth of 80-100 cm, and the ability to form lateral roots expressed very strongly. Usually forms 2-3 tiers of roots. In the most favorable conditions are middle-aged individuals. Kalidiumcaspicum - shrub 20-25 cm. Unlike the previous species, saltwort feels more favorably in different moisture conditions for years. Its root system penetrates to a depth of 70-80 cm, a well-developed system of lateral rootlets conducting concentrated mainly in the upper horizons (30-50 cm). Individuals in the generative age condition (g1, g2, g3) are the most productive and has a powerful caudex. With g2 begins particulation and has a maximum amount of generative and vegetative shoots, reaching 1/1 of the total