Shiryaeva O.I. 1
Kretova I.G. 1
1 Samara State University
The paper represents the results of a study on respiratory function among 210 boys and girls aged 16-18 and 19-22 years. The findings of external respiration function factors of boys and girls indicates a pronounced gender differences. Found that 19-22 years boys and girls have a statistically significant increase in the number of external respiratory function factors compared to students 16-18 years . Revealed that the decrease in vital capacity and forced vital capacity in two times more common among girls than boys , and 3 times more likely to have graduate students compared to youths aged 16-18 . Every fifth student marked decrease in the Tiffno index, at almost 40 % - the peak volume rate , which may indicate the beginning of respiratory failure. Shown that reduce in the body’s resistance to hypoxia is more common among girls.