Scientific journal
Scientific Review. Biological science
ISSN 2500-3399
ПИ №ФС77-57454


Shchedrina E.V. 1 Frolov E.A. 2 Sentyabrev N.N. 1
1 Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture
2 Volgograd social-pedagogical University
Two groups of the female students of not physical education institution, were examined during the premenstrual and ovulatory phases. The first group additionally to the basic academic studies was trained in the student basketball club and took part in the competitions. The second, the control group, was engaged in physical education as a part of educational process. The excitability of central nervous system increased during the premenstrual phase, the speed of motor reactions was reduced. The tension of the state of regulator component in terms of heart rate rhythm variability increased. The indices of the motor action coordination deteriorated during this phase. Is noted the modification of subjective sphere by values of ST Spilberger. Those who training engaged the changes in the functional state were less expressed than in the group of those who are not engaged training. The characteristics of functions of higher nervous activity practically did not have phase differences. The action with the aid of essential oils decreased the activity of sympathetic nervous system, it reduced the level of situational anxiety, improved coordination possibilities. These changes were the objective base of improvement in the quality of trainings and competing activity. Probable mechanism of essential oils influence on the functional state may be stimulation of the brain neurotransmitters that alter the functional state of the central nervous system.