Ivanova E.V. 1
Sorokopudov V.N. 1
Sorokopudova O.A. 1
1 Belgorod State National Research University
The paper presents the results of a study of selected indicators of fruit quality decorative species Malus, such as fruit weight, number of seeds, and biochemical composition of processed products. As a result, studies have found differences between species of the genus Malus in some indicators. Fetal weight for the 2011-2013 period varied from 0.63 to 19.08 g depending on the species of plants. In 2013 a study was conducted of individual indicators of the biochemical composition of some species of apple trees growing in the Botanical Garden collection of Belgorod State University. Chemical analysis revealed that the minimum content of ascorbic acid characteristic of apple fruits Malus x scheideckeri and is 3.3 mg%. The remaining species of varying scope for this indicator ranges from 10.5 mg% - M. manshuriса to 52.7 mg% - Malus silvestris. The high content of ascorbic acid - 21.7 mg%, is also characteristic of M. baccata. Found that the highest sugar content are characterized by species: Malus x scheideckeri and M. baccata. The highest dry matter content was observed in M. baccata - 61%. In M. prunifolia and M. x cerasifera their number in the fruit is 42% and 49%, respectively.