Raush V.V. 1
Yakhutov M.R. 1
Ruchyev S.N. 1
1 ULI of Internal Affairs of Russia
Results of researches of level of physical fitness and level of a functional condition of listeners of UYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are presented in article. Listeners (men) which middle age made 31,8±3,6 years in number of 66 people took part in researches. Prior to experiment it is established that group uniform, as a result all examinees were divided into 2 groups – control and experimental. In the studied groups it isn’t revealed authentically significant distinctions in indicators of physical fitness and according to anthropometrical data. promotes fast reduction of an organism after a dream in a vigorous state. The morning exercises for cadets and listeners of educational institutions are an obligatory element of a daily routine and are carried out after rise daily in the open air. As increase of level of physical fitness at listeners of experimental group the morning exercises were done by the offered technique. In control group the morning exercises were done in the traditional way. Upon termination of a course (in 4 months) statistical increase of level of coordination and high-speed and power qualities is established. Also decrease in level of adaptation potential that testifies to more effective mechanisms of adaptation of an organism to physical activities is observed.