Stepanova A.V. 1
Sorokopudov V.N. 1
Sorokopudova O.A. 1
Stepanova D.V. 1
Myachikova N.I. 1
1 Belgorod state universitet
Big demands as it is closely connected with a trade dress are made to quality of fruits, and it in turn defines consumer demand, but not as a whole depends on specific features. Location of a site, weather conditions of year, the agricultural technician, storage conditions of fruits have impact on quality in quite considerable measure. Depending on a cultivation zone, from weather conditions and the vegetative period the chemical composition of berries of a mespilus can change considerably. Therefore, observance of necessary conditions of all these factors can improve quality of fruits considerably. Existence in fruits of a small amount of acids together with enough of sugars and антоцианов allows to consider a mespilus as fine raw materials forp rocessing.