Karasev KA. 1
Selivanov Л.Е. 1
1 Perm state liberal teacher training university. Perm
Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm.- is a lichen species protected inside Russian Federation. The article generalizes the information on the species distribution in Perm region. Special attention is paid to the plant communities and substrates the lichen grows in. Distribution of the species ecotopes in botanic-geographical zones and topographies of the region is described. Data on Lobaria pulmonaria host tree species and their dependence on botanic-geographical region are cited. The results of Lobaria pulmonaria ecotope investigation with geo-botanic methods are discussed. Forest associations which the species inhabits in northern, western and southern region zones are listed. The majority of ecotopes are found in plane northwestern territories where they are located in lowland forests with aspens. Some ecotopes are found in mountainous northeastern part where the species mainly inhabits the upper part of mountain-forest vegetation belt on range slopes in the forests with rowan in stand of trees. In southern zones Lobaria pulmonaria inhabits lime trees in different types of broad-leaved forests growing on dividing ranges or valley slopes. Dangerous factors and protection measures are discussed.